How To Take Care Of Dry Skin In The Winter – 10 Tips That Actually Work

How to Take Care of Dry Skin in the Winter - The Beauty Hero

The crispy and chilly breeze of winter brings a pleasant feel to all. The weather is cool and enjoyable for many. But winter season could sometimes get really uncomfortable for others too. The air is dry, and those with a dry skin type usually begin to feel their skin dry out about this time of the year. This leaves dull and sometimes itchy parches behind. In severe cases, these parches begin to crack and the skin feels a bit too tight.

But it’s not all bad news. Anyone with dry skin can still enjoy the bliss of winter without much stress. So if you’ve got dry skin and seem a bit puzzled on just how right to take care of your skin this winter so it stays luscious and gorgeous, then you’re just at the right spot. The skin’s natural oil is called sebum. For your skin to stay supple and soft, then the amount of this oil and moisture in the skin must be balanced in the right quantity, which is not always the case for those with dry skin. But not to worry, we’ve got brilliant and easy tips that actually work to help restore your confidence. Whether you want to learn just how best to look out for your dry skin this winter the natural way or you want to learn some quick DIY moves you can try at home, here are 10 great tips that actually work.

How to Care of Dry Skin in Winter

1. Adjust Your Bathing Routine

Bathing is cool, but can also be a potential menace to your skin’s overall health and appearance when it’s not done right, especially during winter. So, how do you get it right? First, you really need to cut down on the time you spend in the bathroom taking your bath. Your skin’s natural oil protects your skin and keeps it moisturized throughout the day so it doesn’t dry out. Anything more than 10-15 minutes in the shower will eventually wash out just too much of your skin’s natural oil, which is totally not cool.

Next, you need to reduce the number of baths you have in a day. Bathing twice is plenty enough for one day and anything beyond that is just too much for your dry skin. It does the same thing staying too long in the bathroom will do- wash out too much of your natural oil. When bathing, it’s advisable to leave the water as mild as it can get. Steer away from hot water as best as you can; it’s also a threat to your skin’s oil.

Lastly on your bathing routine, be more selective on the type of soap, shampoo, and cream that you use. Go for products that are mild on the skin and good for sensitive skins. It’s best to use soaps and shampoos with high moisturizing content.


2. Cover-up Properly

Winter gets really cold which causes the atmosphere to dry up any moisture it finds on exposed surfaces, including your skin. One great way to care for your dry skin is to cover up properly when leaving the house. Avoid exposing your bare skin to the elements. Wear a pair of comfortable hand gloves for the hands and good socks for the legs. It’s best to put on long sleeves and a pair of trousers or any other dress with good coverage during this time. Use matching scarves to cover the face region. This prevents unnecessary exposure to the harsh atmosphere and keeps the moisture on the surface longer for more attractive skin. Dry winter could be itchy a lot of times, but picking the wrong clothes could worsen things. It’s important to avoid woolly clothes and other materials that could make the skin feel even itchier.


3. Exfoliate Properly

The skin cells die out constantly over one’s life. For those with dry skins, the rate is heightened in dry winter. But it’s not all bad, as the old ones go new cells grow to replace them and that makes your skin appear healthier and fresher. The dead skin cells left on the surface of the skin prevents moisturizing products from reaching the skin layer that needs them and could cause infection or irritations when left to cluster for a long time without been removed. Exfoliating the skin is a great way to remove dead skin cells and keep your skin looking fresh, but dry skins require mild exfoliation. Deep exfoliation tampers with the skin’s natural oil and causes even more harm than good. Scrub with natural exfoliants for better results. This exercise should not be performed too often. Twice or thrice a week is just enough to maintain the good look of the skin, get rid of old dead cells, and keep the oils balanced.


4. Shave Carefully

You don’t want to irritate your dry skin any further with a careless shave when removing unwanted hair. It’s advisable to avoid shaving during the winter season as best as possible. But when necessary, it’s best to shave just right after you’ve had your bath when the hairs are soft. Shaving then is a lot easier and safer. Use a good shaving cream or gel and make sure the blade is sharp and clean. Otherwise, you risk not only infection but a damaged and irritated one at too. Dispose of the razor after the first use and do not repeat. Use a new and clean one on your next shave. It’s best to play safe.


How to Take Care of Skin in Winter at Home

5. Use Good Moisturizers and Humidifiers

Even when it’s not yet winter, people with dry skin should always keep their skin moisturized. A good moisturizer will give enough moisture to the skin and keep it locked in for long hours to help the natural oil of the skin combat dryness. Go for oil-based moisturizers over water-based ones. They are better for dry skins as they increase the oil content of the skin.

Along with using a good moisturizer, it’s also important to look out for good skincare products that contain active moisturizing ingredients. Soaps, shampoos, and creams should contain the right amount of moisturizers to keep your skin hydrated. And remember, the best time to use the moisturizers is when your pores are open– and that’s right after you’ve had your bath.

It’s not unusual to turn up the heat at home and office to stay warm and protected from the biting cold of winter. But this practice also dries up the moisture in the atmosphere and drops the humidity level in the room. Humidifiers make up for the loss and try to balance the moisture in the air to prevent extreme dryness. Turn on the humidifier before going to bed to regulate the moisture in the room while you sleep.


6. Use only Gentle Skincare Products

Dry skins require more selectiveness in the choice of washing soap, bathing soap, laundry detergent, cream, and shampoo used. Skincare products that have strong scents are more likely to be harsh and cause skin irritation. Avoid them totally and keep it mild always, especially during winter. Look out for friendlier detergents and laundry soaps that are hypoallergenic; there are lots of them in a regular drugstore or supermarket. These ones will help retain your skin’s natural oils without causing any your skin any trouble. If you wish to introduce a new product to your routine, don’t just go all out for it, test it first and use in small quantities to ensure your skin is not allergic to it.


7. Avoid Scratching

The temptation to scratch may be quite pressing- but don’t fall for it! Scratching will only worsen things and produces white flaky patches. It peels the skin leading to more damage while does nothing to remedy or contain the situation. Scraping the skin’s surface by scratching leaves it bare and makes it more prone to infection. In some cases, scratching the skin will remove the oil. Instead of scratching, exfoliate with a good exfoliant and moisturize it evenly. This reduces the chances of a bacteria infestation and keeps the skin looking healthy and attractive.


How to Take Care of Skin in Winter Naturally

8. Drink Lots of Water

Dehydration worsens the condition of dry skins. It makes the skin crack and looks flaky. Which is why you should never allow your body system to get dehydrated, but the body usually gets dehydrated long before you even feel thirsty. Taking in lots of water is an important step to take care of your skin in winter. It flushes the skin, makes nutrients circulate properly, and keeps your skin hydrated. The benefits of drinking enough water cannot be overemphasized. It also helps to replace fluids lost to the atmosphere through perspiration. Your urine should be clear, coloured urine is a common sign that you’re just not drinking enough. It’s not a bad idea to drag a portable water bottle along when you’re away from home.

9. Eat Right

Go for foods and diets that are rich in essential nutrients and vitamins like Vitamins E, C, and B7. Vitamin E is famed for increasing skin hydration, antioxidants, and for clearing the skin of common skin blemishes. Vitamin C is an important antioxidant for the skin. It fights against free radicals and oxidizing agents that cause dryness and irritations. This vitamin is also known to improve the healing time of the skin so your skin stays healthy and fresh throughout the winter season. Biotin (Vitamin B7) is an excellent moisturizing ingredient that also boosts healing and improves the overall health of your skin. These nutrients and vitamins can be found as food supplements. Sunflowers seeds, almonds, peanuts, avocado, and salmon are rich sources vitamin E. Sweet potatoes, tomatoes, green peppers, and cauliflowers are rich sources of vitamin C, while livers, cooked eggs, yeast, avocados, and dairy products contain a significant amount of Biotin (vitamin B7).

10. Essential Oils

The best essential oils for dry skin in winter do not just moisturize your skin, they also soothe and clean it. Not all essential oils are good for dry skins so be sure to test it before using, and always use a carrier. Jojoba oil, for example, is undoubtedly one of the best essential oils for dry skin. It’s a close replica of sebum, the skin’s natural oil, which makes it a brilliant remedy for dry skins. It’s also fortified with gentle antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Coconut oil is a superb moisturizer that replenishes skin and locks in its natural moisture content. Almond oil has a sweet, soft smell, plus it also improves your skin’s complexion and tone. Other great essential oils for dry skins are apricot, lavender, rosemary, and geranium oils.


How to Treat Dry Skin in Winter

Dry skin doesn’t have to be a nightmare for anyone. There is plenty to do to retain your skin’s luscious look and your confidence under your skin. But the most important thing you can do for your dry skin in winter is moisturizing it with a good moisturizer that accommodates sensitive skins. Drink plenty of water and drink a lot of milk and other dairy products which have high amounts of lactic acid to lock down moisture in your skin for longer periods during the harsh weather. One of the best things you can also do for your skin is to steer clear of alcohol during this time. Applying any skincare product with a significant amount of alcohol in it will prove more harmful than helpful. This is because alcohol has a drying effect which is pretty not good for dry skins. Go for oil-based alternatives.

But remember, the first step to treating dry skin is to identify the cause. When you’re unsure of the root cause of your dry skin, it best you first visit a dermatologist for checkup and counseling before applying any curative or preventive approach of dealing with it.

Your skin is the largest single organ in your body, and as such, it deserves all the care it can get. So don’t hold anything good from it… give it all.

Also, check out amaiaa beauty for their amazing all natural facial oils. They support dry skin naturally!


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