Japanese Kobido Facial Massage Benefits & How It Works

Kobido Japanese Facial Massage Benefits and How It Works

After Gua Sha Massage Therapy, comes another secret from the East that deserves a mention, or perhaps trying out and seeing the benefits yourself. The secret we are talking about is Kobido Japanese Massage, a worthy treatment to add to your self-care routine, to ensure not only mental relaxation but also to maintain the beauty of your skin. How does Kobido work and the benefits that your skin will get? Read on to find out more.

What Is a Kobido Japanese Facial Massage?

In the Japanese language, the word “kobido” means “an old way for beauty”. 

Massage therapy is a modification of a certain shiatsu massage therapy (known as Anma, dated as far as the fifteenth century and originated from mountainous Tibet; literally translates as ‘press-rub”), coming from two expert practitioners looking for effective, new ways to rejuvenate and stimulate facial muscles, for a healthier and youthful appearance, while restoring the energy state of the body – known as “chi” back to its original alignment. 

Indeed, just like Eastern massage practices, the technique involves not only physical aspects of the body but also deep psychological aspects to ensure the results are effective and long-lasting.

As the story goes, the two masters combined their knowledge and experience and found Kobido House, which utilizes multitudes of movements and motions to stimulate the nature of our body, so effective that it’s touted as the “natural facelift”. Kobido massage technique established 48 variations of massage, with each technique aiming for specific goals in providing therapy for the muscles.

How does Kobido Facial Massage Therapy Work?

Kobido massage therapy utilizes pressure, movement, vibration, tapping, and percussion to deeply stimulate muscles within the entire face, toning and rejuvenating them to promote circulation (and unblocks and blocked blood vessels, if any) and aids in skin’s natural repair processes. 

The trained practitioner will stimulate the muscles, easing out the tissue and breaking down any minor injuries/inflammation within, and this covers both of face and body. This will aid in the detoxification process and kick-start the body’s natural healing response to restore and repair damaged tissues effectively. By doing so, the technique also aids in restoring and rejuvenating the “chi” of the body, making it beneficial not just to provide relief from, stressed-out visage, but also a more serious issues such as psychological burden, prolonged fatigue, or even fibromyalgia. 

To note: Kobido massage therapy covers all aspects both face and body. As the article focuses on facial massage benefits from Kobido therapy, we put more emphasis on facial therapy, although the idea is certainly applicable to the body as well (in fact, Kobido benefits extend to the rest of our body). 

The session starts off with a period of the energizing session, with the practitioner stimulating energy points on the face (also known as sensorineural points), so the body can start signaling for healing. A certain amount of time is then committed to sliding movements and motion to assist in effective lymphatic drainage to purge out excess fluids, toxins, pollutants, and waste away from the muscles at the same time. 

The practitioner uses a combination of fast and slow movements with subtle strokes to target deep muscle tissue for effective detoxification and healing process, as this will create plenty of collagen, growth factors, and bring in oxygen, hydration, and nutrient into the muscles for real rejuvenation effect – so effective that you can see notable difference such as slimmer face shape, radiant skin, as well as smooth and supple texture in just one session. 

What makes Kobido unique compared to other Japanese facial massages is the technique involves a specialized percussion-based treatment, using bending and subtle strokes to deeply rejuvenate and detoxify the muscles. Indeed, the percussion technique is difficult to master and you need to train for years and win their competition to become an expert in Kobido massage therapy. 

Sounds tempting? Indeed Kobido facial Massage Therapy is something desired by many, as a lot of us are in favor of natural methods to restore the youthfulness of our skin, without the need for injections and invasive surgery that can potentially pose harm in the long run. And get this, there are plenty of benefits coming from Kobido therapy, and they’re more than just youthful-looking skin. 

Kobido Japanese Facial Massage Benefits For Your Skin

Apart from overall, natural-looking facelift, Kobido facial Massage Therapy gradually reduces the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin, as well as skin blemishes, and prevents such issues from happening in the future. 

The massage technique also benefits facial tissues and as the massage technique goes beyond the skin, it can even gradually reduces the appearance of scars as the muscles underneath is rejuvenated and restored for a more effective skin healing (the effects are apparent from mild-to-moderate scars). of course, full benefits can be seen if you routinely have Kobido as part of your skincare routine. 

As the muscles are thoroughly stimulated and energized, it supports the skin’s metabolism and cell renewal at a higher rate for healthier and brighter-looking skin, with a more energized “chi”. 

Are there any precautions with Kobido facial Massage Therapy?

As the technique used for the treatment is extensive and requires years to master, it’s important that you look for reputable Kobido trained centers or services to ensure that you get the benefits expected from the massage therapy. This is especially important if you have certain health issues that might not make you a suitable candidate, although Kobido Massage Therapy is generally safe with proven results for almost all ages and health issues. 

Myofascial Lifting Facial Massage Benefits & How It Works

Myofascial Lifting Facial Massage Benefits and How It Works

If you’re looking for some intensive muscle recovery massage, Myofascial Lifting Massage is a good choice to start, and not surprisingly, the benefits coming from the technique work well for the well-being that it’s favored by anyone with certain health issues, or perhaps needing some thorough pick-me-up after being in stress for so long. Here’s detailed info on Myofascial Lifting Massage, how it works, and how it can benefit your health. 

To note: in this article, the aspect is more focused on facial aspects in myofascial pain and therapy, although the same concept is applicable to the rest of the body. 

What Is Myofascial Therapy?

Also known as Myofascial release (MFR) therapy, the massage technique works by focusing on knotted muscles and tightness in nearly all areas of the face and body. Using a low load stretch approach that treats the muscle, provides immense relief and pain that are caused by certain issues such as myofascial pain syndrome, described as severe muscle pain or excess pressure in certain areas known as trigger points (hence, Myofascial Lifting massage is also gone by the name myofascial trigger point therapy).

To note, health issues that can be treated with myofascial therapy include carpal tunnel syndrome, fibromyalgia, Temporo-Mandibular Joint (TMJ) disorder, or even as simple as migraine (although I’m sure having a migraine is not as simple as one might hope!).

What does a Myofascial Consist Of?

Let’s start from the beginning, myofascial therapy deals with fascia, a three-dimensional web network that acts as connective tissue and spreads throughout the face and body, starting from the topmost surface of the skin (known as superficial fascia that holds fat and water content), right down to the dermis layer (the middle layer) of the skin known as deep fascia, holding multiple structures such as nerves, blood capillaries, bone, and of course, the muscle. 

When fascia is in a healthy state, the connective tissue works as it should and is supple – moving and flowing according to our movements as intended. The problem starts when the fascia starts to get less and less flexible it creates extra pressure and pulls to nearby muscles that it causes our body to feel acute pain in specific areas, that spreads out to the rest of the body (as fascia is a connective tissue). Not putting it mildly; the pressure can put immense force to the trigger points as high as 2,000 pounds per square inch either superficial or deep fascia in most cases, hence if this is what’s happening to you, it’s best for you to seek help, pronto. 

Why Is A Myofascial Painful For Me?

We can identify the source of your myofascial pain from two categories – either from the connective tissues that are ‘knotted’ together or from the skeletal muscle or in some cases, coming from the damaged myofascial tissue as well, causing a localized trigger point, unlike most cases that tend to spreads out to the rest of the body. When these issues happen, blood flow is severely restricted, causing the muscles to unable to move and contract as it supposed to, adding more pain and pressure to the area (keep in mind, that deep fascia holds the nerve and that’s what causes you to feel the pain). Even reading this sounds painful. 

Hence, the goal of the therapy is to loosen up the soft tissue and the surrounding areas so the affected structures, so the pain is pretty much begone and the mobility is restored. 

If you’re reading this, I’m sure you’d be wondering if you can possibly suffer through this type of pain. Are you vulnerable to getting myofascial pain?

Causes And Risk Factors Of Myofascial Pain

To put it simply, almost everyone is at risk to get myofascial pain. As the simplest, repetitive activity such as sitting in front of the computer for hours on a daily basis is enough to increase your risk to get the pain as high as 30%, what more if you’re suffering from muscle trauma, muscle overuse (such as heavy sports and activities), or even due to psychological stress. 

Indeed, there’s no single factor that we can narrow down that is responsible for myofascial pain points to happen, as a combination of two (or more) factors include poor posture (from sitting, walking, and running), poor nutrition that causes the muscle and bone severely affected, serious lack of movement or generally living in sedentary lifestyle, serious trauma to the musculoskeletal system, pain from other health issues, prolonged fatigue and lack of sleep (yes, it can happen), as well as due to emotional issues, particularly from depression and anxiety. Yes, even if the issues listed here are related to the body, the effect can be seen on the face as the skin around the area is thinner compared to the rest of the body.

How Does Myofascial Lifting Facial Massage Work?

Basically, Myofascial Lifting Facial Massage works by utilizing the expertise of a trained esthetician by providing a deep and thorough myofascial release of the facial muscles to start lymphatic drainage, relaxing the muscles, and assist in muscle repair. This, in turn, provides deep detoxification that purges out excess= fluid, toxins, and waste from the visage, undoing contracted and tense muscles for oxygen and nutrient flow through from improved circulation. 

As a result, a more symmetrical face is achieved, with brighter-looking eyes, and in some cases, improvement in breathing as the muscles are aligned properly. Generally speaking, each session can last as short as 30 minutes but for a thorough, effective, and long-lasting result, an hour should be committed to the facial massage. 

If you have any of these factors and suffering through pain described for some time and it shows on the face, it’s important for you to get checked by a trained practitioner whether you do have myofascial pain that needs to be addressed at the soonest.

Sculptural Face-Lifting Massage Benefits & How It Works

Sculptural Face-Lifting Massage Benefits and How It Works

What is a Sculptural Face-Lifting Massage?

It’s a facial massage technique that uses a revolutionary approach in assisting natural rejuvenation from within for effective results. The technique works so much that train centers are established all around the world, and we have to thank Yakov Gershkovich for that. So how does this massage technique works and how does it benefit your well-being?

For an introduction, Yakov Gershkovich is the master and creator of the Sculptural Face Lifting Massage technique and he is the leading specialist and world-renowned teacher of facial aesthetics for nearly ten years. Yakov has been studying extensively in the field of massage methods for nearly two decades beforehand, and from in-depth knowledge, he created the breakthrough Sculptural Face Lifting Massage, behind a principle of fast and effective ways to create a natural rejuvenation through massage. And it turns out, it did.

Through the in-depth study of facial muscle and bones as a whole and correct the muscles through specialized techniques, the idea behind Sculptural Face Lifting Massage is easy to understand and I suppose it’s one of the reasons why more and more people are interested to learn and use the technique as part of their self-care routine. Not to mention that visible results can be seen even in just one treatment, with continuous practice you can ensure your well-being stays in top shape, youthful, and energized for years to come. 

Want more reasons to get into this massage technique? Sculptural Face Lifting Massage is even a beauty secret to a lot of beauty bloggers, internet personalities, and celebrities (many of them opt for an organic, green-friendly approach, as it turns out) such as Jennifer Lopez, Kate Moss, as well as Meghan Markle. Just take a look at their skin and it tells you that Sculptural Face Lifting Massage does benefit one’s health.

And while Sculptural Face Lifting Massage works for both face and body, in this article we will be focusing more on the facial muscle, and how it can rejuvenate the tissue to create a more youthful, healthier appearance.

How does a Sculptural Face Lifting Massage Facial Massage Work?

For a start, we know how extensive factors that cause the skin shows aging signs. Stress, lack of nutrition, stress, the natural course of aging, or even facial emotions can put a toll on the muscle that it shows outwards on the skin in the long run. And it’s notable the face as the skin in the area is thinner compared to the rest of the body – the same reason why the skin around the eye area shows aging and/or stress effects sooner than the rest of the face, as it’s thinner and more fragile. 

Hence, this massage technique works by using motions and movements to stimulate the body’s own healing processes to counter the said aging and stress effects by creating lymphatic drainage, unblocking stagnant circulation, and increasing the blood flow to all areas within the tissue, as well as supporting healing elements necessary for rejuvenation such as growth factors, proteins, and collagen fibers for the skin. 

From there (in fact, in just one session) you can see noticeable benefits such as muscle tone and form returning to normal shape, restoring the natural posture of the visage, as well as overall elasticity and suppleness of the skin. 

Benefits Of Sculptural Face Lifting Massage For My Skin

Other benefits of Sculptural Face Lifting Massage include restoring the position and elasticity of the muscles to reduce unnecessary sagging effects while tightening and smoothing out the skin from the outside. This in turn slims and sculpts the overall contour of the face, giving the visage a more ‘oval-like’ appearance. The benefits are not only for the ones that already have aging signs, but also suitable as means to prevent the aging effects from happening in the first place. 

not only for beauty esthetics, but Sculptural Face Lifting Massage is also wonderful if you’re looking for intensive recovery of your facial features such as issues with blockages, knotted muscles, and spams, as well as improving metabolism level, and blood and muscle tissue nourishment that commonly happens to stressed-out skin. 

The benefits apply not just from the face but also extend to the rest of the body as well. As this facial massage technique works extensively deep into the muscles that go as far as stimulating nearby facial bones. This in turn triggers the body to start the healing process and lymphatic drainage that works from the face to the rest of the body. Hence, it’s not surprising you can see the effects such as the reduced appearance of a double chin, straightening of the neck, and overall detoxification. 

As a result, a more relaxed, sculpted, and younger-looking face is possible with the Sculptural Face Lifting Massage facial technique. 

Indeed, the approach is so simple and yet yields significant results that Sculptural Face Lifting Massage is also known as the the “nature’s answer to Botox”, apart from the fact that the public is looking for ways to restore and retain their youthful appearance through natural methods instead of relying on superficial, invasive treatments that in some cases can be painful to the skin. 

The technique behind Sculptural Face Lifting Massage is all about muscle manipulation (known as sculptural technique) – done manually through trained fingers to tone, strengthen, relax, and detox the facial muscles. The massage technique is done not just on the face but also involves the oral cavity (known as the intraoral technique) from the inside, where fingers are inserted (with gloves, of course!) and massage the inner cheeks to stimulate the muscles, giving the benefits mentioned earlier. 

As the Sculptural Face-Lifting Massage technique requires a licensed practitioner, it’s important for you to get a session of it from reputable centers to ensure you enjoy the benefits of the technique and look younger and slimmer as well.

Facial Massage Benefits for Face-Lifting, Anti-Aging & Lymphatic Drainage

Facial Massage Benefits

Moving around through the day and getting a lot of tasks done on a daily basis can sure take a toll on your body, particularly the muscles. And just imagine the good feeling that you get when buildup circulation, aching, and strained muscle ease away with a simple facial massage. That sheer bliss is what we crave after a good massage and definitely have plenty of benefits that you can tap into (it’s a secret for anti-aging as well!). read on to find out more. 

How Facial Massage Is Defined

To put it simply, facial massage is the kind of treatment that uses pressure in various directions using one’s hands, fingers, or suitable tools to assist and boost your body’s natural healing mechanisms. Topical applications such as balms, oils, and creams are often used for added benefits in adding skincare benefits during the treatment (as the skin is more receptive to absorb ingredients that you put on the skin’s surface) as well as it makes the massage routine easier.

By massaging the muscles and stimulating pressure points in the right way, you’ll boost detoxification to release buildup from the blocked circulation to ensure nutrients and blood flow goes through nicely and effectively, assisting the said mechanism along with other health benefits (more on that below).

The routine has existed for hundreds of years in each continent, creating variations of facial massages treatment that we see today, to cater to various needs as different issues may need different types of facial massages. Some of the well-known facial massages include Swedish massage, sinus massage, Gua Sha, acupressure (similar to acupuncture), lymphatic drainage massage, reflexology, and shiatsu. And different facial massage treatment uses a combination of techniques and motions such as folding, tapping, kneading, effleurage, cupping, or even vibrations. 

And the good thing about facial massage is you can do it by yourself as part of your self-care routine, or perhaps you can book a session with a trained practitioner to reap the full benefits of the massage, and emerge with a rejuvenated, refreshed visage. 

So, what are the health benefits of getting a facial massage for your skin?

Facial Massage Benefits

For Face-Lifting, Anti-Aging And Lymphatic Drainage For Your Skin

For a start, it’s a well-known fact that facial massage has tremendous benefits for skin healing, as it unblocks any stagnant circulation (due to stress, lack of sleep, and poor diet) as well as speeds up circulation and blood flow so more nutrients and oxygen can be delivered to the skin. And such effects can be seen in several aspects, with one of them is anti-aging.

A study conducted in 2017 demonstrates the effectiveness of facial massage sessions with subjects that are compared between using facial massage (with a device) and anti-aging creams. 

From the results, significant improvements can be seen in the group notably in smoother skin texture, reduced appearance of wrinkles, and firmer-looking skin. It is noted by the researches that the massage stimulates the skin to produce elements necessary in skin healing and repair such as white blood cells (to assist for lymphatic drainage; read below), collagen and elastin fibers, growth factors, and dermal proteins for the results to be achieved while purging out toxins and waste materials at the same time. 

What is Lymphatic Drainage?

Lymphatic drainage is closely associated with facial massages and as the name suggests it’s a process of purging (or draining) fluid away using massage techniques for the skin. As mentioned previously on healing mechanisms, lymphatic drainage is the starting point for the skin to repair as it triggers the white blood cells responsible for healing. And the good thing about the system is that even if you only get a facial massage, the benefits extend to the rest of your body. 

And get this, lymphatic drainage relies on our body movements and motions to kick start the detoxification, and the better way to make it happen is through a good session of facial massage. 

Hence, the benefits of a facial massage are proven that it’s one of the reasons why facial massage sessions are one of the popular treatments in an anti-aging skincare routine and it’s common to combine them during intensive treatments such as laser resurfacing to speed up the results, especially when the concern is wrinkle and sagging skin. 

Of course, from anti-aging benefits, improved blood flow, and skin healing you can expect other benefits such as brighter-looking skin (from higher amounts of oxygen flowing through the blood vessels), lifted, supple and soft skin from proper distribution of water and fat content at the epidermal level, as well as a relaxed appearance from reliving knotted muscles within the face. 

If you have skin issues such as acne breakouts than a good facial massage is your answer. Due to the skin healing mechanisms and increased production of elements for the necessary repair you can ease out acne appearance and eventually eliminating acne breakouts altogether, as well as preventing from future ones from happening. 

Should I Do The Facial Massage Myself Or Use An Expert?

Getting the much-needed facial massage is easy than you might think and you can choose either going through the DIY route or you can simply book a session to get your face fully pampered by the experts. The routine can be done pretty much any time of the day but as a tip, it’s highly recommended to get one during night to boost the healing benefits as your body goes through an all-out repair while you sleep – you’ll definitely wake up with brighter and youthful-looking skin the next day!

If you’re doing it by yourself, consider a few precautions to avoid your face injured during a massage. For a start, be gentle with your skin (especially the routine is done at the face) and avoid harsh movements to avoid tugging and pulling of the skin, especially at sensitive areas. Be extra mindful if you have serious skin concerns such as acne breakouts, scars, or certain skin issues such as eczema to avoid aggravating the condition. Ensure the motion and movement flow is smooth and controlled. If it feels bumpy, add more topical products to smooth out the massage but not too much as you’ll slip and lose the needed friction to massage. 

Of course, whenever possible, it’s highly recommended that you get a facial massage session with a massage therapist as they can tailor the session specific to your concern for effective results. 

How to Look Younger Naturally for Women (Face & Body Tips)

How to Look Younger Naturally for Women (Face & Body)

Every woman out there strives for a healthy, beautiful and younger looking face and body. Majority of women look for ways to look younger than their age and is constantly searching for natural solutions to have a young body and face. 

There is no denying the fact that good and happy skin reflects a healthy mind and a healthy body. In pursuit of this goal, we all try hundreds of products, but all these products either don’t show results or if they do, that do not last very long. 

There is only one reason behind all these disappointments, all the solutions are temporary. We crave for the kind of healthy skin and body that stays. For that we need to make healthy choices in our lifestyles which ensure an inside out transformation for our face and body.

We all often ask or being asked such questions that how to look younger, how to have a young face or how to have a young body?

Well, it is an accepted fact that skin plays a vital role in the enhancement of beauty, whether it’s our face, or body. Therefore, good skin makes you look beautiful, youthful and healthy. 

This is why focusing on the health of your skin will be a primary motive to look young and beautiful.  Healthy skin can help to make one look ten years younger than the actual age.

Today we will learn some very simple and easy tips, and home remedies to get naturally beautiful skin, that keeps you always glowing.


Do’s and Don’ts to Stay Young

Tips to Look Younger - Exercise Regularly

  Before moving on to the solutions and remedies, we must have a quick look at some dos and don’ts in order to achieve what we ladies wish for- a beautiful, flawless and young skin. 


  • Good skin comes from within, so drink lots of water
  • Eat green vegetables and fruits
  • Exercise regularly
  • Never sleep with your makeup on, remove it completely
  • Develop a skin care routine where cleansing, toning and moisturizing are a must
  • Skin keeps on growing, exfoliate the dead skin once or twice a week for a healthy glow
  • Treat your skin with good face masks
  • Use face oils for glowing skin and to lock in the moisture of your skin during the day and evening
  • Never forget to use a good sunscreen


  • Don’t eat too much junk and processed foods
  • Don’t compromise on water intake
  • Don’t rush towards any new product in the market, always choose certified, tested products
  • Don’t forget to moisturize your skin even during summers, in summers opt for a water-based moisturizer
  • Don’t go out in the sun without a good sunscreen


Lifestyle Change Tips to Stay Young 

A healthy diet for Young and Glowing Skin

Staying young and beautiful is the wildest dream of every woman, we all try so hard and be ready to spend all our money to have this dream come true. But what needs to be understood is that, it’s not just money or cosmetic products that can make us young and beautiful but rather it requires a few changes in our overall lifestyle. Let’s have a look at some natural solutions and remedies to have a young-looking face and a young body. 


Water is Your Best Friend

When it comes to the health and fitness of our body, water is our best friend. This is the most important of all beauty tips for staying young and healthy. As almost 70% of our body is made up of water, depriving yourself of the most vital ingredient will make you age faster. It is advisable to drink at least 8 glasses of water daily, it not only keeps the skin fresh, young and glowing but it also helps to eliminate toxins from the body, keeping it young and fit. 


Stress is Your Enemy 

Extensive research has proven that stress is the biggest enemy for good skin, it makes one look years older than the actual age. It is advisable to stay free of stress and tension, focus on the happier side of your life and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Indulge in mini manicures and pedicures, massages and spas to relax your body and skin.


Healthy Balanced Diet is the Key

Whatever we eat reflects on our body, eating junk and processed foods cause skin inflammations, sagging and swellings. It is important to make healthy choices in order to have a healthy and fit body. Food enriched with antioxidants and omega fatty acids are so good for the body and skin. Similarly, increasing the intake of pulses and fresh fruits like oranges and watermelons serves in the long run. Vegetables on the other hand, help to retain skin’s natural glow.


Stay Active, Stay Young

The phrase itself describes its goodness. People who maintain an active lifestyle, stay fit and look younger than their old age fellows. It is important to exercise regularly for a healthy body and skin. Try yoga, meditation, and deep breathing exercises to keep your nerves calm. 


Stay Safe from Sun

One of the biggest mistakes done by ladies and the same mistake that make them age faster is not to use sunscreen while going out in Sun. Harmful UV rays from Sun damage the skin to a great extent, it causes sun spots, fine lines, wrinkles and even skin cancers. 

Using a sunscreen with a high SPF is a must for good skin and young body. Keep a sunscreen in your bag, re-apply it as and when required. Similarly, always choose such cosmetics that have SPF in them. Unless you are getting photographed, the SPF shouldn’t be a problem.


Sound Sleep for a Sound Body 

It is mandatory to have plenty of rest and a good sleep. Signs of irregular sleep cycles begin to appear on our face and body in the form or dark circles, sagging skin and tired body. Dull and sullen skin’s quickest cure is a deep sleep.


Take Good Care of Skin 

Develop a day and night skin care routine with the best quality products as per your skin type. Follow proper cleansing, toning, moisturizing as well as exfoliation. Daily cleansing helps get rid of the dirt, toning minimized the pores and moisturizing improves the texture of skin.


No Compromise on Moisturization

Hydration is the key for a fresh and younger looking skin. Using a good moisturizer helps in boosting cell regeneration. One must not skip a moisturizer even during the summer, during that time opt a water-based moisturizer. During winters and night time a thick, creamy moisturizer does wonders. Also never ignore your under-eye area, using an under-eye gel can help in reducing the dark circles.


Quit Smoking and Drinking

Extensive research has proved that excess smoking and drinking is one of the root causes of aging faster. Excessive smoking and drinking leads to wrinkles, pigmentation, sagging and bad skin. As well as it disrupts the body functioning, weakening the immunity, making it age faster. Ladies who smoke regularly looks years older than the same aged nonsmokers. 


Natural DIY Remedies for Looking Younger

Glow with Honey - Tip for Younger Looking Skin

There are tons and tons of natural ingredients as well and tried and tested home remedies that can be incorporated in the skin care routines to get a flawless, young and beautiful skin. 

Glow with Honey

Honey is known as one of the best ingredients when it comes to health, fitness and glow. It can be consumed as well as applied to the skin and whole body to get the younger and glowing skin. The rich antioxidant properties, together with the presence of amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and enzymes, have enabled honey to be used as a skin nurturing and nourishing ingredients through centuries. It eases inflammation and stimulates cellular regeneration, both of which are essential for a youthful skin. The humectant property of this sticky liquid helps in capturing and retaining the much essential skin hydration.

Ways to use:

  • Take a cup of lukewarm water, add one tablespoon lemon juice and one tablespoon honey, drink on an empty stomach. Following this routine will make your body younger, slimmer and glowing with each passing day. 
  • Take one tablespoon of brown sugar and add 1 tablespoon of honey, use this scrub for your overall face and body to get rid of sagging skin. 


The Magic of Turmeric

The use of turmeric in beauty products goes back to centuries. It is one of the magical ingredients used by Cleopatra as well. It is an antiseptic, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory agent. It improves the circulation level, fights off infections, clears blemishes, and thwarts fine lines and wrinkles—in short, using it is inevitable if you want a healthy skin. It can also be used in cooking to nourish skin from within.

Ways to Use: 

  • Take one tablespoon of turmeric powder and add one tablespoon of honey and a little milk to form a coarse paste. Use it as a scrub on your face and skin daily.
  • Ward off the dark circles and puffiness with an eye pack made from ½ tsp turmeric powder and 2 tsp buttermilk.


Stay Young with Coconut Oil

The whole beauty industry swears by the goodness pure coconut oil to keep the skin soft, supple, and radiant. Apply it and massage gently for 30 minutes before your bath daily to see visible results. You can warm it slightly to enable better absorption by the skin pores. 

Ways to Use:

  • Exfoliate your dead cells by preparing a scrub with 1 tablespoon each of coconut oil and honey with 1 teaspoon sugar and ½ teaspoon salt. This can be used as an instant pack to keep the skin hydrated.


Stay Young with Yogurt:

A gentle acidic food, yogurt is known to keep skin young, fresh, firm and glowing. It prevents the skin from losing its natural sheen. A fabulous sunburn healer, this dairy food also helps in lightening dark spots.

Ways to Use:

  • 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder with 1 teaspoon of yogurt to make an awesome scrub.
  • Mix 1 teaspoon of lemon juice with ½ a tablespoon of honey and 1 tablespoon yogurt to prepare a skin lightening mask. Apply on the face and rinse off after the pack dries to reveal a brighter, younger skin.


Detox with Lemon

Freshly squeezed lemon flushes out toxins from the body and helps in keeping the skin free from blemishes and dark spots. The rich presence of potassium and vitamin C enables it to combat free radicals, prevent damage, and keeps the skin young.

Ways to Use:

  • Apply 1 tsp lemon juice on skin directly to ease wrinkle and dark spots.
  • A face mask prepared by mixing honey and lemon juice in equal proportions will alleviate ageing signs and retain its youthful look.


Face and Body Massage Tips to Look Years Younger

Face and Body Massage with Natural Essential Oils

At the end we would like to reveal a well-kept secret to younger-looking skin. Even with today’s technology, a large percentage of people still want the natural alternative to a healthy, toned, and glowing complexion as well as body. So, what’s the secret? A simple but effective MASSAGE.

Both face and body massages are known to promotes oxygen and blood flow in our skin.  Not only does this result in reducing puffiness and sagginess, it also creates a brighter skin tone and appearance.  The massage also increases collagen production, which prevents the formation of wrinkles as well as cellulite on the body. But the key to achieve best results is to use proper steps and use an effective product while massaging your face and body. 

Let us tell you ladies another secret product that can be used for massage and that can help you achieve an instant face and body lift. That secret ingredient is the amaiaa’s Luxury Facial Oils.

amaiaa’s Luxury Facial Oils come with their day and night time variants. This product is gaining momentum among the ladies who believe in providing the best quality products to their skin in order to stay younger and beautiful.

This product is packed with the goodness of B vitamin (B2, B3 and B5) that helps improve skin conditions and aids in treating problems like rosacea, acne, sun-damaged skin and aging by promoting healthy cell rejuvenation, leaving skin naturally radiant. 

It is known to improve the complexion by reducing the appearance of fine lines and redness, leaving skin softer and smoother. 

Similarly, it reduces inflammation and softens imperfections creating a healthier, natural skin tone. 

Massaging your face with this beauty oil will increase blood circulation, flush toxins, eases muscular tensions as well as give a young and healthy glow. Check out amaiaa here.


As a final note, consider journaling your experience of trying these tips to looking younger and identify which ones work best for you. Also, feel free to comment any questions or results you get below!

Much Love,

The Beauty Hero

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LUXURY FACIAL OILS for Day and Night Time (All-Natural)

Luxury Facial Oils with Natural Ingredients - Rose Oil

Are you on a quest to find a luxury facial oil for elegant and glowing skin?

Then amaiaa’s luxury facial oils are the perfect spot to end your quest. Their luxury facial oils are like no other. With two superb formulas, atma and saya; one for day time and the other for night time, you’re sure to have your skin entirely redefined in no time flat. Together, they make the best oil duo that leaves your skin fresh, moisturized, and smooth.

Luxury & All-Natural Facial Oils

The atma facial oil is absolutely free of parabens, dyes, and fragrances, plus its cruelty-free and vegan. Its all-natural ingredients make it accommodates even super sensitive skin types. Natural options like this are extremely mild and gentle on the skin, meaning it is skin-friendly. It gives your skin an attractive and glowing look without the risk of irritations; so whether you’ve got oily skin, extra dry or super sensitive skin you’ve got nothing to worry about using this special formula.

Our two products are 100% natural and free from nasty chemicals like phosphate, hydroquinone, carcinogens, retinol, and the likes. This non-toxic quality makes it a great option for all skin types.

They bring a huge difference in only a matter of weeks of using them.


atma: Day Time Facial Oil

This facial oil brings the morning radiance to your skin and makes a cheerful way to start up each important day. It offers an excellent way to nourish the skin with the goodness and wonders of active natural ingredients like jojoba, safflower, apricot, argan, rose, and Indian sandalwood. And there are lots of benefits of these natural and luxurious ingredients, that are added to the facial oils, including softening the skin, reducing fine lines, calming inflammation, soothing the skin, and giving it an envious glow.


Using It Right

The atma day time facial oil doesn’t require a long list of procedures to use it right; with just a few steps you’re good to go, which is another wonderful reason these luxury face oils are among the best in the industry.

Clean up your face, and exfoliate if necessary; then add about 3 drops of the priceless facial oil onto your palm. Rub the palms gently and pat the face gently with it. A soft and quick massage will help drive in the nourishment of atma’s luxury facial oil deeper into the skin for an extra fine result.

It can be applied under your makeup to give it a refined and smooth finish. This amazing product doesn’t make the skin appear oily, rather it still gives it the perfect glow. An alternative to using it under your makeup is to actually put a few drops directly on the foundation before wearing your foundation. This will give you an attractive glow and a dewy finish.


The Secret’s Inside The Ingredients

Jojoba Oil

First, jojoba structure’s striking resemblance to the skin natural oil makes it easily absorbed into the skin. Its strong anti-inflammatory properties reduce redness and soothe the skin. Its vitamins E and B help repair skin damage and rejuvenates the skin, making it a worthy ingredient for Luxury’s day facial oil.

Safflower Seed Oil

Dripping with lots of omega-6 fatty acids, and vitamin E, safflower seed oil comes with so many benefits. It’s a potent antioxidant, it slows down skin aging, repairs damaged skin cells, and lighten your skin. Safflower seed fights acne too, clears skin blemishes and leaves your skin smooth and healthy.

Apricot Oil

This one ingredient contains high amount of vitamin C, which moisturizes deep to keep the skin cells well moisturized without making it greasy or oily. The rich vitamin E deposit maintains the skin elasticity and suppleness so your skin doesn’t age too fast. Apricot makes your skin soft and evenly toned.

Argan Oil

Rich in essential nutrients, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory compounds, argan oil contains lots of healthy acids and vitamins including vitamin E, linoleic, oleic, and omega-6 fatty acids which all combine to make your skin come alive. Its fat-soluble vitamin E makes it a good moisturizer while its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties shield the skin and soothe inflammation. Argan oil also has antimicrobial properties that inhibit the growth of harmful microbes to stop infections and keep the skin clean and healthy.


Rose boosts collagen formation and enhances elasticity and firmness of the skin. It equally forms a solid shield of protection against free radicals. Another amazing thing about this ingredient is its vitamin A content that contains extremely high amount of retinoids. Retinoids effectively reduces hyper-pigmentation to maintain an even too. So you’re sure of a lightened skin.

Indian Sandalwood

Known to be a good toner, Indian sandalwood oil brightens and whitens the skin evenly. It has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and anti-aging properties. That’s not all; this unique ingredient tightens up too loose pores getting rid of overly oily skin. Then it has a nice woody and natural scent to complement its amazing benefits.

Now, that’s a whole lot of benefits compressed into one luxury face oil bottle.

Buy atma here

saya: Night Time Facial Oil

The skin does most of its healing and repairing at night while the body is at sleep. A little boost to its repairing process makes the process even doubly better, and amaiaa facial oil is the best way to boost the process. The saya luxury facial oil is the secret to that baby soft and refined skin you’ve always been craving for. Let’s simply say it’s the overnight miracle for a glowing and flawless skin. Like its day counterpart, saya night time facial oil is packed with lots of nature’s goodness too. It contains grapefruit juice, Indian jasmine, avocado oil, olive oil, jojoba oil, and frankincense.

Using it Right

Saya night time facial oil doesn’t need too many steps also, and its application process is very much the same way as atma day time facial oil.

You had properly used some makeup during the day, so before using the luxury face oil you should clean up and exfoliate properly. Then you can put some drops on your palm; three drops are just enough for the night. Slap the palms gently over the face and massage softly again as in the morning.

With Saya Night Time luxury facial oil, every sleep is a beauty sleep and every morning is a good morning because you’ll wake up refreshed ready to the face the events of the day.

The Secret’s In The Ingredients

Grapefruit Juice

You get a fine textured and smooth skin when you use grapefruit juice on your skin. It prevents discoloration, brightens dull complexion, and does a fine job at brightening the skin. It’s rich in antioxidants that fight off free radicals protecting the skin from their damaging effects. Grapefruit is packed with vitamin A which is an anti-aging ingredient to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines which essentially slows down skin aging.

Indian Jasmine Essential Oil

Extracted from the flowers of jasmine, this essential oil does lots of good for the skin. Jasmine essential oil fades scars and makes the marks heal up and go away. Will no threat of an allergy, this ingredient moisturizes dehydrated skins making is superb for super dry skins. The natural fragrance jasmine caps it all. It’s no wonder amaiaa will not exclude it from its formula.

Avocado Oil

Avocado oil’s potassium and lecithin moisturizes the skin so it doesn’t get dehydrated. Strong antioxidants present in it treats eczema, acne and other skin blemishes. Avocado also contributes to wound healing and skin repair too.

Then by boosting production of elastin and collagen, it effectively slows down skin ageing. Avocado oil also protects from sun damage and free radicals and is key warding off sun tans.

Frankincense Oil

Interestingly, frankincense has antiseptic properties, scar reducing capacities, and skin healing abilities. It promotes the rejuvenation of healthy skin cells and protects existing ones. With this, it fades sun tans, removes fine lines, and suppresses wrinkles. It relieves stress and helps the skin. When combined together, frankincense makes a fine ingredient for a luxury facial oil.

Olive Oil

Added in the right proportion and mixed with other ingredients, olive oil don’t clog the pores, rather, it’s able to mimic the skin’s natural oil. This acts as a good barrier against free radicals and the sun’s damaging UV rays. It softens and smoothes it too. Olive oil’s vitamin E content contributes to slowing down skin ageing effect too.

Buy saya here


It’s a Must Try

As we age, the body produces less elastin and collagen, the two essential proteins for skin repair and building. When this happens, the skin becomes prone to wrinkles and fine lines, that’s why amaiaa’s luxury facial oils should be in your routine.

They are natural and versatile; they can slow down aging, make the skin soft and smooth, accelerate healing, lightens dull complexion, ward off free radicals, moisturize dry skin without making it too oily, balances oily skin by tightening up loose pores to give the skin a radiant glow.

Learn more about these luxury facial oils here.

8 Best Face Oils for Glowing Skin & Anti-Aging *All-Natural*

Best Natural Face Oils for Glowing Skin

Many women shun the idea of using a face oil. After all, don’t we want to keep our faces from looking greasy or having clogged-up pores? Interestingly, using the best face oil for your skin can be a game-changer in the way your face appears. Instead of looking dry, blotchy, sallow, blemished, or aged, face oils can help you achieve your dreams of glowing skin.

Of course, not all face oils are created equal, however, when we share with you the best face oils for glowing skin, you will wonder how you ever got along without it. They contain a bounty of antioxidants and vitamins, plus they have outstanding emollient properties. Plus, they can be used for cleansing, toning, moisturizing, and pampering every day.

The best face oils for glowing skin repair skin deep down to tackle dryness, soothe irritation, reduce inflammation, clear up acne, and plump up elasticity to keep skin from showing the signs of aging. You’ll enjoy bouncier, more beautiful skin with every use.


What are the best face oils that give you glowing skin?

In nature, there are many plants that have outstanding healing properties. When pressed properly, we can get natural oils from them that benefit our skin in so many ways. Whether you have dry, sensitive, oily, problematic, combination, or even normal skin, you’ll want to use the following face oils to create that glow you want in your skin and reverse the aging process.

Understanding more about the face oils to use can help you discover the incredibly positive changes your skin will undergo when you make them a part of your daily regimen.


1. Jasmine Oil

Best Face Oils for Glowing Skin - Jasmine Oil

It doesn’t hurt that this one has the sweet smell of romance to it. For your face though, it provides exceptional healing and anti-aging properties. Naturally composed of benzoic acid and benzyl benzoate that destroy bacteria and fungi, it can heal wounds quickly and reduce the possibilities for infections. That’s what makes it ideal to soothe irritated, blemish-prone or damaged skin. It’s also perfect for mature skin because it moisturizes to prevent fine lines and wrinkles while boosting collagen production.

2. Sandalwood Oil

Mild with a woodsy fragrance that brings about calmness, don’t be fooled by the relaxed demeanor of sandalwood oil. It’s very powerful as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. If you have acne or acne scars, it’s the best face oils for glowing skin. It’s also ideal for treating infections, rashes, irritation, and sunburn. With soothing gentle moisturization, it provides toning to all skin types, leaving a more refined and beautiful appearance.

3. Argan Oil

Argan Oil Benefits for Glowing Skin

From the kernels of the fruit that grows on the Moroccan Argan tree, this “liquid gold” as it is known has an abundance of benefits. It contains high concentrations of some of the world’s most incredible antioxidants as well as plenty of vitamin E, plus omega-3 fatty acids. You may have even used it in your hair care products, but because it’s oil, you might have thought it couldn’t benefit your skin. Think again! Argan oil is one of the best face oils for glowing skin and anti-aging! It has the ability to naturally boost your collagen production and provides deep nourishment and strength to your skin. Because it absorbs so quickly, it is ideal for dry or mature skin. It helps smooth fine lines and wrinkles, and restores skin to a glorious, healthy radiance!

4. Apricot Kernel Oil

Some very popular skincare products contain apricot kernel oil, and it’s easy to see why. It is gentle, lightweight, and non-greasy, delivering gamma linoleic acid that tones and firms skin. This is why it’s the best face oil for glowing skin. With impeccable nourishing action from vitamins A and E, skin becomes brighter, smoother, and more hydrated. Apricot kernel oil is wonderful for skin that is parched or for aging skin.

5. Jojoba Oil

Jojoba Oil Benefits

Jojoba oil is very unique in that it possesses a chemical structure that is so similar to our own natural body oils that it can be absorbed quickly and easily. Copying the sebum from your face, it restores balance to your skin’s natural oil production. That’s right – it trains your skin how to release oil in a natural way without overdoing it so oiliness is prevented. By quelling the trigger response of oily skin, jojoba oil is a brilliant face oil, one that will also nourish your skin with vitamins B and E and minerals that include copper and zinc. While it can greatly benefit oily skin, it is also suitable for all skin types.

Learn more about the benefits of Jojoba Oil for your face and skin here.

6. Avocado Oil

Avocado oil on table close-up

If you’ve ever rubbed your hands together after preparing your avocado toast rather than wiping them off, you’ll know exactly why avocado oil is so amazing. It is wonderful for dry skin because it contains loads of omega-3 fatty acids as well as vitamin E. Avocado oil is the best face oil for glowing skin because it moisturizes deep down and prevents inflammation to calm and soothe skin irritation. It is free of allergens too, making it a wonderful option for those with sensitive skin and aging skin alike.

What if you can have all of these amazing face oils in one bottle and more? The following oils are formulated to excel at creating the healthy and glowing skin you’re looking for…

Here are the Best Face Oils for Glowing Skin

If you really want to see the difference the best face oils can make on your skin, try amaiaa. They have two naturally luxurious formulations – a day facial oil and a night time facial oil – that together, leave skin looking better than ever.

The secret is in the natural oils curated for the creation of easy-to-dispense facial oils. 


7. atma – Luxury Face Oil for Day Time

atma face oil with box amaiaa

The atma, luxury facial oil for day time is best to apply in the morning for a radiance that lasts the whole day through. As the word ‘atma’ means ‘soul,’ it helps skin restore to a healthy glow from within.

Enhance your beauty routine by using atma, which includes the oils mentioned above plus safflower and rose for a nourishing experience that leaves your skin looking better and better with every use. Quick to absorb, it will glide on and prime your skin for perfect makeup application.

Skin is boosted through a mega-punch of B vitamins in this luxury face oil. Vitamin B1 is ideal for anti-aging qualities while vitamin B2 soothes acne and irritation plus promotes the rejuvenation of healthy skin cells. Vitamin B3 improves the complexion for a softer, smoother appearance, and vitamin B5 heals and protects from environmental stressors. It’s the ultimate best face oil for glowing skin every day.

8. saya – Luxury Face Oil for Day Time

saya face oil with box amaiaa

Saya is amaiaa’s luxury face oil for night time. The name means ‘shadow,’ this reviving and rejuvenating face oil heals your skin as you sleep so you can wake up to a dewy, fresh, and youthful complexion. As the companion to atma, saya serves skin with the best face oil for glowing skin, combining these oils for a harmonious appearance. Wrinkles and fine lines are smoothed away while skin imperfections are healed. Brimming with intensive antioxidants, from jasmine oil and grapefruit among others, this luxurious formula is a treat for the skin, one that quenches its need for hydration to reveal supple, revitalized, and utterly gorgeous skin.

Saya contains amino acids plus mega-levels of vitamin A that contains retinoids to regenerate skin cells. Vitamin E heals and promotes flawlessness. Omega-3 fatty acids prevent inflammation and heal acne, including troublesome acne scars. Plus with vitamins B2, D, and K along with potassium, saya promotes skin restoration. Even out your tone and bring beauty back no matter your skin type. It’s a pampering formulation that achieves beauty naturally without the use of harmful chemicals. Beauty is found in nourishment from what we get from the earth and saya makes that possible every time you close your eyes.

If you truly want skin that glows from within at any age, the kind of skin that makes your friends, family, and coworkers ask you why you look so incredibly refreshed, choose the best face oils for glowing skin. atma and saya work in tandem to create your best complexion by nourishing your skin deep down. They absorb quickly and leave skin better and better with every use.

Don’t wait to try face oils yourself. The science speaks for its effectiveness with it’s ability to support glowing and anti-aging skin. Treat your skin the way it deserves with the best face oils for glowing skin for the morning and night, and you will always have that illuminated, lit from within glow of pure, stunning skin.

Parabens in Cosmetics to Avoid: Dangers, Side Effects, List

Parabens in Cosmetics to Avoid - Side Effects and Dangers

About Parabens

Fueled by the hot debate as to whether they are safe enough or not; Parabens is one word that has been making the rounds recently in the world of beauty products and cosmetics. Well, as long you’ve got some really good makeup kit, you don’t have to be a dermatologist to be concerned with what parabens are, because chances are good that most of the makeup items (if not all) in your kit have got one or more of these parabens in them. So what exactly are they?

Parabens are a range of synthetic preservatives added to cosmetics and beauty products by manufacturers to inhibit the growth of bacteria, molds, and other micro-organisms with the primary intent of extending the shelf-life of the product.

Almost every product that contains water is likely to suffer the growth of bacteria, mold, and fungi which could decoloration and alteration of the product’s chemistry and makeup. Without the introduction of some kind of preservative to hinder the growth of these microbes, they will get contaminated and lose their functionality.  

It was introduced in early 1900s. Since then, they have continued to be both an efficient and cost-effective way of preserving different products for over a long time, sometimes reaching over a year. Usage of this synthetic preservation stretches beyond just cosmetic products, they are also used in the production of drugs, foods, etc.

Some manufacturers sometimes use more than one paraben in their products to cover a broader range of microbes. So it isn’t surprising to find more than one of these chemicals on the ingredient list of any product. It’s also possible to find the parabens combined with other kinds of preservatives.

Though efficient and cost-effective, the biggest debate still remains if they are safe for use, or should they be totally avoided?

Pros of Parabens

No Scientific Evidence: So far so good, there’s no concrete scientific evidence to conclude that using products with parabens are harmful to the body system. The U.S. Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) is the country’s regulatory authority for foods and drugs produced and distributed in the country. They constantly make reviews and checks on the chemicals and ingredients used in the production of foods, drugs, and cosmetics to ensure that they are safe for use by the general public. On the issue of how safe they are to be used in cosmetics, and their link to breast cancer or other health problems, the FDA has said that their scientists continue to review published studies on the safety of parabens. And at the time of this report, they do not have information showing that parabens, as they are used in cosmetics, have an effect on human health.

Right Amount: They are generally added in very small amounts to products; small enough to have no adverse effect on your skin, but enough to keep back the growth of microbes. Adding these preservatives to products in the right amount does not seem to cause any problem at all to the consumers.

Effective Preservatives: Well, since parabens are basically preservatives, some capable of pushing the expiry dates of products further by up to a year, you can’t entirely say they are evil. They continue to remain an effective way of preserving products beyond the products natural time of expiration. Besides, who would feel glad to have their favorite makeup expire in less than a week! I won’t.

Body Interactions: Para-hydroxybenzoic acid (PHBA) is formed naturally in the human body by the breakdown of amino acids. PHBA is found in some vegetables and fruits like cherries, cucumbers, and onions. It is quite similar to the parabens used in cosmestics. When parabens get absorbed into the body system, they are quickly acted upon and changed to PHBA and used up.

Long Standing: Parabens have been around for a while now, since its discovery and usage in the 1920s, parabens has continued to be an effective way of inhibiting growth and infestation of microbes and extending the shelf life of products. It is one of the oldest means of cosmetics preservation.

Bans: Yes, there are regulations as per the use of these chemicals (as with any other chemical ingredients), there are official and outright bans on them; not even in developed countries with medical advancements like the United States, Japan, Canada, France, or China. They all accept that parabens are safe enough for use in the production of food, drugs, cosmetics, etc.


Side Effects

UV Rays Effects: Surprisingly, contrary to the belief that parabens might be able to enhance the condition of the skin, it has been discovered that methylparaben is notorious for accelerating skin aging and skin cancer when they react with the UV rays of the sun. The skin cells begin to die at an accelerated rate, hence sponsoring aging. It is advisable to always avoid cosmetics, drugs, or foods with methylparaben.

Allergic Reactions:  Parabens can cause a variety of skin reactions to those with allergies. Some consumers may react negatively to parabens. They can cause skin irritation in consumers with paraben allergy. Using paraben may also leave the skin brittle, painful, and flaky. In extreme cases, this can result in contact dermatitis, which is characterized by blisters, rashes, and burning skin. However, records reveal that this is a rare occurrence. Hence, it is unlikely for skin reactions to actually be caused and triggered by parabens.


Cons of Parabens

Mimics Oestrogens: There are other plants which have this oestrogenic effect. These plants produce phytoestrogens which are by far stronger than the oestrogenic effect produced by the body, and hence unhealthy. It is also true that they can behave like estrogens. When estrogens become too much in the body, they accelerate cell division and growth of tumors, even breast cancer. Although it has not been proven that parabens can cause the development of cancer, there are pieces of evidence indicating that they can penetrate the skin and get absorbed into the body through the skin, which sends a sense of fear into the air. Regular and excess absorption of these parabens are likely to increase the risk of developing cancers and tumors.

Endocrine Disruptions: Paraben’s ability to imitate some hormones in the body system seems to interfere with the endocrine system. The endocrine system is directly related to the reproductive and metabolic activities in the body. With the parabens been able to mimic hormones, the body system seems to be getting a higher pump of hormones and this can lead to early puberty, and other abnormalities in the system (although this phenomenon is less likely). It will take an extremely large amount of absorbed parabens before a consumer experiences these disruptions.

Skin Reactions: Everyone’s skin reacts differently to parabens depending on skin type and sensitivity. It is important to do a test first to be certain your skin won’t react with them before beginning to use them since paraben are not found in the body, the immune system may consider them as foreign bodies and respond defensively against them, hence, causing swells and inflammation. Reports show that there have been only a few recorded cases of irritation by parabens on sensitive skins.

Environmental Concerns: There are increasing concerns over the discharge of parabens into the environment. When washed off the face or body, they flow to bigger water bodies and accumulate into aqueous or solid clusters. A few of these chemicals have been noticed in the bodies of some marine animals.

Contribute to other Health Disorders: One of the worries about parabens is the fact that by may not only in themselves be a threat to our body systems, but may also act as triggers to other potential health conditions. While products may contain what regulatory bodies consider as “safe amount,” continuous consumption of these products may lead to a cumulative and overloaded presences which may contribute to the development of other health issues.

Pregnant Women and Child: Pregnant women are advised to avoid such products while they still carry their babes and in the first months after delivery when the mother is still breastfeeding her baby. This would probably have an adverse effect on both mother and child.

Effective Alternatives

There are many alternatives to parabens, both synthetic and natural. Natural alternatives are mostly derived from plants and their oils. They are both mild on your body and environmentally friendly. Natural alternatives are mostly extracted from plants and their oils, such as, tea tree oil, thyme oil, rosemary oil, grapefruit seed extracts. Phenoxyethanol and ethylhexylglycerin are examples of other alternatives. However, these natural alternatives only offer limited protection against bacteria, fungi, and mold, and still do not cover the different forms of these microbes.

However, some companies have succeeded in creating preservative-free formulas that maintain the validity of these products before they are used up.


Parabens in Cosmetics

In cosmetics, parabens are still used to prevent and stop the growth of harmful bacteria, molds and other microbes to protect the product and ensure the consumers are safe. Despite the controversy of using parabens, they still remain the most commonly used and least reactive means of extending the shelf-life of cosmetics products. For cosmetics, the parabens commonly used include butylparaben, ethylparaben, propylparaben, and methylparaben. Sometimes, the manufacturer may decide to mix more than one of the parabens, so it is advisable to do a quick test just to be sure you’re safe.    Foundations, powders, concealers, liners, shadows, mascara, makeup removers, etc, are among the common cosmetics today that contain at least one of these preservatives.


Parabens in Skincare

Just as for cosmetics, parabens helps to extend the shelf-life of parabens in skincare. However, when used here with skincare products, they can penetrate the skin into the inner tissue. It must be stressed that using paraben cosmetics when you’ve got a wound or a cut, or a break on the skin is not advisable, as they can cause an allergy or further irritate the skin. Shampoos, soaps, cleansers, lotions, and creams are among the common skincare products with one or more parabens. Even in skincare products, parabens remain the most widely used method of preserving these products. This doesn’t rule out the fact that there are still paraben-free skin care products available in the market still.


List of Parabens

There are different types of Parabens in the family; some are more common than the others. They have more than one name, so don’t be surprised to see manufacturers use any one of them. A list of them is provided below:

The common ones include:

  1. Methylparaben (Methyl-4-hydroxybenzoate)
  2. Ethylparaben (Ethyl-4-hydroxybenzoate)
  3. Propylparaben (Propyl-4-hydroxybenzoate)
  4. Butylparaben (Butyl-4-hydroxybenzoate)

The less common ones include:

  1. Isobutylparaben
  2. Isopropylparaben
  3. Benzylparaben
  4. Heptylparaben


So Parabens or Not?

Researchers suggest that there’s no reason to panic over using products with parabens.  They are less likely to cause any harm to your body system. But it’s okay to feel skeptical about them; there are several other fine alternatives to parabens in its usage as a preservative. These other alternatives are equally cheap and effective. Besides, as they say, prevention may sometimes be better than cure.

To avoid products with paraben, look at the product label and crosscheck the ingredients to be sure these preservatives are not used. Normally, there are “Paraben-Free” signs boldly written, so it’s easy for you to spot them. Such products must have used some other kind of preservative. But remember, just because it’s paraben-free doesn’t mean it’s all natural, so watch out!

It’s all fine if you wish to continue using these products, but don’t forget the importance of moderation. Don’t overuse them. Sometimes you can take a break from the parabens to give your body system enough time to rejuvenate.

How to Get Rid of Hormonal Acne with Natural Diet Plan


Hormonal Acne

This is an inflammatory skin disorder that’s more commonly known as just acnes. Although it’s more common in women than men, it affects people of all sex and ages. It may not be categorized as a deadly or extreme skin disorder, but most people dread it for the fact that it leaves scars and spots behind. Although it can appear on just about any part of the body, hormonal acne attacks the face, back, shoulder, chest, and neck of its patients more than any other part of the body.

If you’ve got this skin condition, learning a lot of relevant things about it and its treatments is necessary for getting rid of them and keep your skin as smooth and healthy as possible.

Types of Acne

The different type of acne can be broadly classified as either non-inflammatory or inflammatory acne.

NonInflammatory Acne

Non-inflammatory acne are those acnes that are not accompanied by swelling and are not very painful either. This type does not suffer deep bacteria infestation and is relatively easier to get rid of. There are two types of acne under this class- blackheads and whiteheads.

Blackheads are small, blackish or dark bumps, which are opened at the top. Their dark color appears as the result of its opening at the top and exposure to air. They do not cause scarring.

Whiteheads do not cause scaring either. They are also small, whitish, and closed at the top, unlike the blackheads. Usually, there’s always a hair strand trapped in the center.

Inflammatory Acne

They are a lot more severe than non-inflammatory acne. They are usually accompanied by swelling and pains. The growth of bacteria in the pores significantly contributes to the severity of this acne type. There are four types of acne under this class- papules, pustules, nodules, and cysts.

Papules are inflamed acne that appear as red bumps on the skin. They form as a result of a break in the follicle wall due to overdue pressure on the wall as the C. acne bacteria multiple in the pore. Papules can heal within just a few weeks.

As the papules linger and the C. acne bacteria continue its activity in the pore, they develop to pustules. Pustules are very much like papules except that they are known to come with pus and often painful with a yellowish top.

A painful, red, and swollen acne may not exactly mean; it’s could even be acne nodule. Nodules dig deeper in and are more severe than pustules. When a broken follicle wall slips into the dermis and gets inflamed, acne nodules form. They are hard, and in most cases of nodules, scarring occurs. It takes a few months for it to completely heal.

Cysts are the rarest form of acne but also the most severe form of the skin condition. They are soft, painful, and filled with pus. They get inflamed and swell, leaving scars behind. Cysts take a longer time to heal.

There are several misreading impressions about what’s really responsible for acne. Some believe it’s a result of taking too many oily foods, not washing the face properly, or poor hygiene. Although these are all bad practices for general health, yet, they are not responsible for acne outbreaks. So, what’s really the cause of this skin disorder? Let’s find out.

Causes of Acne

The sebum is the body’s natural oil that is secreted by the sebaceous glands. It keeps the skin hydrated and prevents it from drying out; so it does a really good job for our skin- until the body secretes too much of it! When excess sebum is produced, they are forced to cluster together and form clumps in the pores on our skin. When dead skin cells and dirt join the cluster, they clog the pores. This, if unchecked sees the growth of a special kind of bacteria called Cutibacterium acnes (C. acnes). When this happens, it’s most likely to result in the appearance of hormonal acne, simply called acne sometimes. This is the root cause of acne- the clogging of the skin pores by clumps of sebum, dead cells, or dirt, and the growth of the bacteria.

However, there are different factors that trigger the excess secretion of the sebum in our body. These factors may not necessarily be the causes but act as significant triggers to this skin disorder.

Hormonal acne, simply called acne, is mostly caused by the excess release of sebum by the body due to hormonal fluctuations. It is because hormonal fluctuations are the major cause of acne that acnes are sometimes called hormonal acne. Hormonal fluctuations can occur during menstruation, menopause, and other biological changes that occur in the body. Since most of the factors leading to hormonal fluctuations occur in women alone, women are more likely to experience this type of acne than men. Those growing from adolescence to adulthood and experiencing puberty are more prone to acne breakouts too for the same reason of hormonal fluctuations.

Acne breakouts can also be as a result of the body’s immune system reacting suddenly to defend the body from a foreign body. This spontaneous reaction can cause inflammation and flares, which eventually results in the growth of acne.

Stress may also trigger an increased production of sebum, which will, in turn, encourage the appearance of acne. Not only can stress lead to increased secretion of the body’s natural oil, but it can also worsen the condition of the acne in anybody who has already had it.

Cosmetics and chemical products may also encourage hormonal acne. Since some of the make-ups and cosmetics are capable of clogging the skin pores, they make the acne forming process a lot easier. It’s important to watch out for healthy cosmetic products that will not clog the pores when shopping for your make-up and skincare products.

Getting Rid of Hormonal Acne

Well, it’s not all bad news with hormonal acne; there are effective remedies for acne also. Just about every type of acne can be treated if properly addressed. Inflammatory acne may linger a while with the tendency of leaving scars behind, but all acne will eventually go away after some time when treated properly. They are a bit tougher to handle, and may sometimes require a visit to an experienced dermatologist for professional treatment. Appropriate and timely medication can prevent even the worst forms of acne from scaring the skin.

Most acne caused by hormonal imbalance and fluctuations will leave at the end of puberty, menopause, or menstruation, or any other biological change that may have triggered it. During this period, it is important to maintain it properly to avoid further escalation or increased severity.


As they say, prevention is always better than cure; it is important to understand how to prevent these breakouts even before considering how to get rid of them. Our regular activities in our day to day life can significantly affect the appearance and severity of acne.

  1. Avoid unnecessary and over-exposure to the sun.
  2. Clean up your skin properly especially after sweating.
  3. Anyone with oily skin type should bath twice daily (twice daily is just enough, avoid bathing too many times, as this can leave the skin flaky)
  4. Avoid undue stress as this has been identified as one of the factors that can trigger acne outbreaks.
  5. Avoid strenuous activities; they make you sweat a lot more.
  6. Shave properly. Dampen hairs before shaving to make them softer and easier to shave.  
  7. Avoid changing creams, make-ups, and toiletries as best as possible. A sudden change in any of these can make the immune system act spontaneously and trigger breakouts

Home Remedies

There are basic things you can do the help treat and maintain the skin condition, even at home. So, the fight against acne is generally not for the doctors alone, you got to be actively involved too. Here are some home remedies you should adhere to:

  1. Use mild soaps and cleansers to bathe.
  2. When bathing, avoid scrubbing the kin aggressively
  3. Avoid squeezing acne; it only tends to worsen things.
  4. Cut down on the amount of make-up worn during the time.
  5. Wear only make-ups that are water-based or alcohol-based. Avoid oil-based products.

Anti-Hormonal Acne Diet

Achieving that flawless skin that’s free of acne, doesn’t end with buying a list of chemical products, a good diet is also necessary to complement them. Studies reveal that what you take into your system as food affects the development of acne. Diet plays a significant role in reducing acne or causing flares. Hence, there are foods one should avoid when suffering from acne breakouts and foods one should increase intake to help treat the condition.

So what are the essential nutrients and properties to look out for when eating? Here’s a good lead:

High-Fibre Diet:

This also helps clear your gut and reduce inflammation. That’s not all they do; fibres help to control the blood sugar level in our systems, which in turn reduces the chances of developing acne or having a breakout. Studies show that there is a notable improvement in acne patients who settle with a high-fiber diet. Foods rich with fibers include broccoli, berries, flax seeds, nuts, potatoes, carrots, whole grain cereals, oatmeal, etc.

Antioxidants Properties:

More intakes antioxidants go a long way to help soothe and treat acne. There are several foods which contain a high amount of antioxidants. Some of these foods include herbs, green vegetables, fruits, essential oils, etc. Besides these foods, there are always food supplements that equally provide lots of healthy antioxidants for your body.


There are bad bacteria, and there are good bacteria. Good bacteria bring several benefits to your digestive system as they help to break down food properly and clear the gut. This is where probiotics come in. They also act like antibiotics in the body to boost the recovery process from acne. Probiotics are mostly available as supplements.

Hormonal Acne Natural Treatment

Other than Over-the-Counter drugs, there are other natural treatment methods that are quite as efficient as any other successful means of treating acne. Natural treatments have the added advantage of being less likely to cause irritations. It’s rare to suffer allergies from natural treatments. These natural treatments succeed at treating hormonal acne chiefly because there are capable of decreasing inflammation and clearing up the skin. The following are simply natural treatments that work effectively:

Omega-3 Fatty Acids:

Omega-3 fatty acids have super anti-inflammatory properties that not only reduce inflammation but also lower androgens. Look out for foods that have a good amount of these acids or go for food supplements that provide them. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids include fish, such as mackerel, salmon, and sardines, wild rice, nuts, such as walnuts and almonds, spinach and kale, mustard seeds, navy beans, soybeans and soy products, and flaxseeds.

Avoid Foods with High Sugar Content:

Avoid foods with high amount of glycerine and sugar; this includes junk foods and foods with high carbohydrate content. This is because these foods break down too easily and too quick, hence triggering hormonal fluctuations by increasing the body’s blood sugar level.

Go for Detoxification Foods:

There are good foods that detoxify the body system and remove excess oils and hormones thereby cleaning up the body. They present a good source of natural remedy for acne. Such foods include kale, cabbage, dandelion roots, Brussels sprouts, chlorella, etc.

Grass-fed Butter:

This is another great food that acts as an excellent hormone balancer. They contain other important minerals and vitamins that are good for the skin too. Among these minerals is magnesium which is capable of absorbing excess, making it possible for grass-fed butter to regulate the body fat. Grass-fed butter also increases the skin’s elasticity. Unlike regular butter that could increase the body oil and further encourage the flare.

Good Rest:

This is surely not a class of food, but it’s also as important as the other treatments measures listed out earlier. It gives the skin a good time to rejuvenate, repair, and regrow dead cells, and maintain healthy skin. It refreshes not only the mind but the entire systems in the body. Eating right and taking the right medications without a good rest wouldn’t do much for the skin. You should treat your skin to at least 8 hours of sleep daily.

Hormonal Acne 7-Day Natural Diet Plan

So now we know your diet affects the development of acne, how do you select your foods right? Drawing up a healthy eating plan will not only put you on the right course, but it will also make you keep up with it. For one, your diet should now include protein-rich foods and low Glycemic Index (GI) carbohydrates. For a start, here’s a one week plan you’ll find rewarding:

Day 1

Breakfast: Berry Smoothie

Ingredients:  kale, apple, goji berries, spinach, raspberries, unsweetened soy milk, chia seeds

Lunch: Herbed Lemon Salmon

Ingredients: salmon fillet, cup parsley, chopped, lemon cut into slices

Dinner: Chicken Strips

Ingredients: skinless chicken, vegetables, basmati rice

Day 2

Breakfast: Egg White Omelet

Ingredients: olive oil, chopped onions, cayenne pepper, liquid egg whites, spinach, and green peppers

Lunch: Lamb Salad

Ingredients: lean lamb, carrot, cabbage, vegetables

Dinner: Tuna Salad Zucchini Boats

Ingredients: zucchini, tuna, hummus, carrot, celery, and white onion

Day 3

Breakfast: Pumpkin Parfait

Ingredients: pumpkin purée, greek yoghurt, banana, flaxseed, cinnamon

Lunch: Chicken and Pasta Salad

Ingredients: skinless chicken, pasta, salad vegetables

Dinner: Steak and Cauliflower Mash

Ingredients: cheese, cauliflower, garlic powder, nutmeg, salt and pepper

Day 4

Breakfast: Mixed Avocado Salad

Ingredients: romaine lettuce, chopped, spinach, chopped, avocado, chopped, boiled egg, carrot, beet

Lunch: Autumn Soup

Ingredients: dairy-free tomato, carrot, ginger, butternut squash soup, chicken breast

Dinner: Easy Tuna Bowl

Ingredients: broccoli, quinoa, tuna, olive oil

Day 5

Breakfast: Spice Toast and Margarine (with Fruit)

Ingredients: fresh fruits, toast bread, low-fat milk, margarine

Lunch: Turkey and Mayo Pita

Ingredients: pita bread, lean turkey, low-fat mayonnaise

Dinner: Spinach and Artichoke Pasta with Vegetables

Ingredients: zucchini, olive oil, shallot, garlic, frozen artichoke hearts, fresh spinach, dry white wine

Day 6

Breakfast: Spaghetti Squash with Chicken, Mushrooms, and Spinach

Ingredients: spaghetti, chicken breast, white mushrooms, fresh spinach

Lunch: Mixed Bean Salad

Ingredients: kidney beans, parsley, lettuce, spring onions, bell peppers, mustard, olive oil

Dinner: Steak Sandwich

Ingredients: cabbage, carrots, green bean, tomatoes, stewed fruit, lettuce,

Day 7

Breakfast: Unsweetened Oats

Ingredients: dry oatmeal, walnuts, unsweetened almond milk, cinnamon, berries

Lunch: Herbed Lemon Salmon

Ingredients: salmon, parsley, lemon

Dinner: Grilled snapper

Ingredient: Grilled snapper, olive oil, garlic, ginger

7 Amazing Benefits of Jojoba Oil for the Face and Skin

JoJoba Oil Benefits for Skin and Face

Do you have dry skin? Chapped lips? Skin disorders or diseases? Wrinkled skin? Cracked heels? Dry hair and scalp?

Jojoba oil is the magic you need.

Jojoba oil is a super-effective oil with multi benefits for the hair, scalp and skin. This oil has a rich content of invaluable vitamins and minerals. These include: vitamins E and B-complex, iodine, selenium, copper, chromium, and zinc.

One other amazing quality of jojoba oil is its effectiveness on all skin types. Jojoba oil is not sticky; it actually has a light feel, has no odor, and lasts very long.

There is much to know about this wondrous oil and its amazing benefits for the face and skin.

What is jojoba oil?

When you ask, “what is jojoba oil?” You should be prepared to be bombarded with a lot of information because this oil is special in numerous ways.

But for this article,

I’m going to give you some brief info on it to get you started.

To begin with, jojoba oil comes from jojoba plant, a perennial plant that can be found in the arid regions of California, Arizona and Mexico in North America. It is pronounced as ho-ho-ba, and its botanical name is Simmondsia Chinensis.

The oil is extracted in the form of a golden liquid wax from the seeds of the jojoba plant. It later goes through a refinery process to produce the odorless and colorless consumer form we know as jojoba oil.

For your skin care routine, you can use jojoba oil alone or in combination with other essential oils to complement its benefits. This versatile oil keeps your skin and hair hydrated, thereby helping them maintain a natural balance.

Jojoba has similar qualities with sebum — the natural oil produced by the sebaceous glands that lubricate your skin and hair.

In medical conditions where people have a low production of sebum, jojoba oil is used as a substitute. In contrast, when an individual has an excessive amount of sebum in their hair, jojoba oil can be used as a remedy to treat it.

Now that you’ve been armed with this brief background info about jojoba oil, let us delve into our topic to discover the 7 amazing jojoba oil benefits for the face and skin.


1. A great skin moisturizer

Its moisturizing quality is a great jojoba oil benefit for the skin. We all know that the art of looking good begins with having moisturized skin.

Moisturized skin is the beginning of all things good in your skin — and jojoba oil can give you just that. Jojoba oil contains ceramides in high quantities. These ceramides envelope the skin cells and as a result, they remain hydrated.

This oil has a high rate of absorption into the skin and does not leave the skin oily. This way, it protects the skin against moisture loss and even dust pollution. This quality is a perfect jojoba oil benefit for the face too as the face needs a lot of delicate handling to remain healthy. Simply rub jojoba oil on your face and hands before going to bed. Wash it off in the morning, and you’re good to go!


2. A great fit for skin diseases and acne

Skin diseases like eczema, acne, rosacea, all pack up and flee when introduced to jojoba oil. The oil has healing qualities that counter flaking, itching, dryness, which are great jojoba oil benefits for your skin.  

It has anti-inflammatory qualities that do not let acne thrive on your facial skin.

Another jojoba oil benefit for the face is its antiseptic and non-greasy nature which is effective in improving your acne. It unclogs the affected skin areas, allowing moisture in to provide a refreshing and healing effect for the skin.


3. A match for dark circles

People who have dark circles around their eyes will probably consider this the best jojoba oil benefit for the face.

Dark circles make the face dull, drowsy and sickly.

Quick Jojoba Oil Recipe:

You simply have to mix jojoba oil with chamomile essential oil in equal quantities, apply and massage it gently around your eyes for 10 – 15 minutes and then wash it off with warm water.


4. Tones down pregnancy stretch marks

The ability to reduce pregnancy stretch marks is one powerful jojoba oil benefit for the skin. If you’re pregnant and have noticed stretch marks starting to appear, rub jojoba oil in a small quantity over the affected skin areas. Do this two times every day during your pregnancy and continue with the routine after giving birth.

Jojoba oil has a soothing and relaxing effect on the body, so using it will help you during pregnancy as well.


5. A perfect balm fit your lips

Jojoba oil is effective in moisturizing and softening the lips. It does a better job than petroleum jelly with its waxy nature which replenishes lost moisture in the lips.

So if you want soft lips, know that this is a jojoba oil benefit for your face too. Having healthy, moisturized lips help make your face glow.

How to Create Lip Balm from Jojobal Oil:

  1. You can make this lip balm by mixing jojoba oil with beeswax. All you need do is get two teaspoons each of jojoba oil and beeswax, melt the beeswax and then mix it with jojoba oil.
  2. Add 3 – 4 drops of any natural flavors of your choice.
  3. Let the mixture cool and then store it in a refrigerator.

Coconut oil is also another alternative in the absence of beeswax.


6. A remedy to your cracked heels

Another jojoba oil benefit for the skin that you can enjoy is its ability to heal dry or cracked heels.

Apply this oil regularly on your feet, and your heels will remain smooth and soft.

A more intensive way to do it is to apply it on your stockings. Wear the stocking for an hour before you remove them.


7. Use it to make jojoba oil face masks

Apart from the previously listed jojoba oil benefits for the face and the skin, jojoba oil is also a perfect ingredient in making face masks.

To make a jojoba oil face mask, you can combine it with raw honey and orange juice to make a face mask that will be good for your skin.

Another good combination includes jojoba oil with cornstarch and crushed tomato.

Did you learn something from these 7 amazing benefits of jojoba oil for the face and skin? As a matter fact, there are many more jojoba oil benefits for the skin and the face as well. You simply need to learn how to use this wondrous oil to make DIY skin-care remedies at home to give your skin the glow it needs.

You can also check out the atma facial oil or saya facial oil from amaiaa beauty, it includes all natural ingredients like Jojoba, Argan, Avacado, Apricot and much more! Learn more about this natural facial oil for your face and skin.

Comment below if you have any great recipes or benefits you found from this amazing oil. Also, check out amaiaa beauty for their amazing all natural facial oils. They have Jojoba oil inside with other amazing ingredients.

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